的 国家资源保护委员会 定义了 再生农业 as an approach to land management that “asks us to think about how all aspects of agriculture are connected through a web – a network of entities who grow, 增强, 交换, distribute and consume goods and services –instead of a linear supply chain. It’s about farming and ranching in a style that nourishes people while restoring the soil and ecosystem health, 解决不平等, 离开我们的土地, water and climate in better shape for future generations.”
随着时间的推移, 随着农业越来越工业化, large-scale commodity and monoculture farming have taken the place of smaller-scale, subsistence farming that once produced the variety of foods that farmers put on their tables and provided for their communities. 的 drive for greater crop yields to produce bigger profit margins and efficiencies, 尽管有长期的后果, has changed the face of American farming and has undermined the survival prospects of the small farmer in Kansas and around the world.
我们失去了平衡, and our collective action and inaction is a detriment to the health of our entire ecosphere – the land, 水, 空气, and all the living beings on our planet – and has devastating effects on our human resilience on local, 状态, 国家, 在全球范围内.
We want to help farmers who have worked the land for generations and new farmers just starting out to be able to continue working the land for more generations to come. CRH firmly believes that the future of agriculture is sustainable, regenerative practices. 在一起, 与堪萨斯各地的农民, we hope to reach sustainable solutions that benefit the soil, 的人, 以及农业的未来.
可持续农业 focuses on the health of the soil in which we grow and produce the food that we eat – fruit, 蔬菜, 小麦, 玉米——甚至是我们的动物食用的饲料, 然后我们消费. 生长在我们土地上的东西养活了所有的生物. 的 health of our soil is essential to our own health and to our ability to feed ourselves. As world events expose the weaknesses in our supply chains, we should all be concerned and focus on how we feed ourselves and rely less on others to do it for us. Did you know that 90% of the fresh produce available in Kansas is imported from other 状态s and countries? We need to ensure that we can provide the essentials for ourselves right here in Kansas.
土地因过度使用而退化, 单一栽培的实践, 工业化的农作, and by relying heavily on chemical inputs (fertilizers, 杀虫剂). 这不仅对我们的土地造成了毁灭性的影响, it has also degraded the environment and on human health along with it. 没有足够的信息, 一些激励措施, and only a few organizations offering training and support for farmers to make the transition to regenerative farming.
土地退化令人担忧, but what is disturbing is that we are affecting the long-term sustainability of our food systems. Could there be an expiration date on food security right here in Salina, Kansas? Our food security is at risk if we don’t change the way we think about food systems and soil health.
Turning this situation around with significant impact will require returning to practices that restore and 增强 biodiversity in our soils and our biome and reduce the negative outputs that damage our ecosphere and negatively impact climate. 社区恢复中心将会 为农民提供所需的工具和知识 to transition to farm systems that support soil health and resilient food systems, 这就是可持续农业.
Our focus is on building food security in north central Kansas, increasing food access by building a network of farmers growing for local markets, and connecting them with organizations working to get the produce to all, creating a holistic solution with community resilience at the center. 圣威奇托的共同土地生产者和种植者. 约翰在萨利纳的传教浸信会教堂, and the Kansas Rural Center are working together to accelerate a transition to a more sustainable future with the 堪萨斯中部食品走廊 项目.
的 社区应变中心 does not represent a claim that we are experts. We are conveners and recognize that each of us has a role to play. Taking individual and collective action for some will mean big, 大胆的, visible action; and for others it will mean making small changes in daily behavior and practice that may go unnoticed by the masses but will contribute to a more universal, collective and 大胆的 vision that is food security and climate stability.
的 CRH is working with faculty to develop and incorporate the educational and advocacy supports that farmers need and that we need to provide our future farmers. This is being implemented through the creation of new academic programming showcasing 再生农业 in the sciences, 业务, 沟通, 以及社会工作领域. We’re also opening spaces to the community for civil discourse training that will 增强 understanding across differences, 所以我们可以做出必要的改变, 包括在农业实践中, according to the values and principles we all hold dear. 我们召集专家, seeking funds to support research and initiatives that reduce consumption and increase resilience.
可持续农业是我们愿景的重要组成部分, and we firmly believe it is a viable option for the sake of 的人, 地球和我们的未来.